Home visits | Telephone Access

Home visits

Doctors do home visits to our regular patients whose condition prevents them from attending the surgery.

Telephone Access

Doctors in our practice can be contacted during normal business hours. Please leave a message with our reception staff for your doctor.

Results | Referrals | Prescriptions

Results, referrals and prescriptions

Our doctors prefer to see all our patients – Please book an appointment when:

  • Your prescriptions and annual referrals are due for renewal
    • If your prescription runs out please inform our receptionists, we’ll accommodate you with the next appointment available
    • All our doctors have access to your file, so if your doctor isn’t available another of our team’s doctors will be able to renew your prescription
  • Following up test results tests with your doctor – Please make an appointment on the day of your consultation unless advised by your doctor
  • If your results are urgent, you will be contacted by the practice.

If you are unable to collect your prescriptions please provide a signed consent form to keep on your file so a friend or relative can collect them.

General health

Please scroll down the page if you can’t see your search topic.

Skin checks

Skin cancer kills thousands of Australians annually. We can provide a full skin examination using a high magnification dermatoscope to assess any spots or lesions found on your skin and discuss with you possible solutions and skin care strategies.

Diet – Weight management

Would you like to know more about healthy eating, physical activity and other weight loss recommendations? We have a range of weight management advice and other services available.

Minor procedures & wound care

Our doctors are skilled at minor procedures including the removal of moles, skin lesions and joint and bursa injections. We can also treat minor fractures, sprains, joint dislocations and care for wounds.

Mental health

Anxiety, Stress, loneliness, addiction, depression and relationship problems are just a few of the negative effects of living in the 21st century. If you are finding it hard to cope we can help.

Chronic disease management

We can help provide an organised approach and plan of action to help you identify care needs, set out the services you may need and the actions to help manage your condition.

Medical/health check up’s (45+)

As you age risk factors increase for health problems such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol. You may have a family history of chronic disease. Book in with your doctor to discuss and check your health.

Family health care

Family & paediatric medicine

We have been providing medical care for families for over 40 years from sports injuries, a child’s first check up to management of chronic illnesses – For the youngest member of your family to the oldest.

Health care planning

Stay informed and manage your health with the help of your doctor and other health professionals who can advise you of the latest information and services.

Women’s health care 

Women’s health

We have female doctors experienced in offering a wide range of professional, confidential advice and services for women including pap smears, breast checks, menopause, contraception, IVF, sexual and mental health.

IUD insertion & removal

Our doctors do procedures for IUD insertion and removal. Please make an appointment with one of our doctors to discuss contraceptive options, then a follow up appointment for your procedure.

Antenatal shared care

Planning a pregnancy or having a baby we can help you make an informed choice that may help assist you with a healthy pregnancy, normal birth and postnatal care.

Men’s health care

Men’s health

We are experienced in providing professional advice to men for various issues including cardiovascular disease, weight management, smoking and alcohol-related difficulties and other chronic health conditions.

Aged care

 Aged care support

Our doctors regularly visit local nursing homes and can help you with the different aged care services available. More information available at My Aged Care.

Over 75’s health assessments

These assessments potentially identifying health issues and conditions that may be preventable. They are a great way to keep you healthy and lead a great  lifestyle.

Medical examinations | Workers Compensation

Commercial driver, bus driver, dive medicals and workers compensation.

 Commercial/bus driver medicals

We conduct medical examinations in accordance with the National Transport Commission guidelines Commercial and Private Vehicles Drivers”. Please ask receptionist for booking and fee schedule regarding your renewal.

Workers compensation

We help with approved or related medical Work Cover treatments to support you to optimise your recovery, clinical intervention and management.

Immunisations and Vaccinations

Immunisations & vaccinations

Travelling overseas, children and corporate – We offer up to date advice and immunisations and vaccinations to help protect you, your family and business from flu and other diseases.

Patients eligible for the free government flu vaccine will be bulk billed. Private Patients will be bulk billed for the doctor’s visit and a private charge for the vaccine will payable on the day.

Flu clinics & business flu vaccinations

Immunising your family and/or business personnel against the flu could be a great way to prevent severe illness and time off work. We can also visit your workplace. Book in your appointment – Find out more about flu immunisations.

If you have any questions or would like to book an appointment please: